The California Political Reform Act requires certain state and local government officials to publicly disclose their private economic interests on official Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) forms, and that all government (university) employees disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have personal financial interests.
Employees must be aware of:
The UC conflict-of-interest code lists the position titles of those employees or officials (designated position) who are required to provide personal financial information, assigns disclosure categories to these positions and indicates the types of economic interest that must be reported.
For the list of designated position titles at UC Merced, see the systemwide List of Designated Positions.
Each designated official must obtain and complete his or her Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700, by April 1 of each year, and within 30 days of assuming and/or leaving office.
For general information about conflict of interest and the Political Reform Act, see the UCOP Form 700 Resources page.
If you need assistance completing the form, see the Reference Pamphlet or contact campus Conflict of Interest Coordinator Angela Counts at or 209-228-2406.